Public Safety

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Case Study

Automatic Incident Detection on the Black Sea Motorway, Turkey

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Case Study

A Total Traffic Monitoring Solution for Marseille

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Case Study

Automatic incident detection and traffic data collection for the Sheikh Zayed Tunnel, Abu Dhabi, UAE

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Case Study

Monitoring traffic at the RionAntirion Bridge, day and night

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Case Study

Automatic Incident Detection and traffic data collection in the Festning and Bjørvika tunnels (Oslo, Norway)

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TrafiCam sensors help meet Indonesia’s ambitious traffic management plans in Jakarta and Surabaya

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Case Study

Video-based Automatic Incident Detection and Traffic Statistics in the Clem Jones Tunnel – Brisbane Australia

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Case Study

Estonian Fire Teams Go Smoke Diving With FLIR

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Case Study

Thermal Imaging Helps Kalmthout Fire Department During Wildlife Fires and Other Interventions

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