Integrated Surveillance & Detection Systems for Wide Area Protection

Government & Defense

Integrated Solutions

Whether protecting critical infrastructure, securing borders, or offering force protection in hostile and remote areas, customers turn to FLIR for integrated solutions that bring together surveillance and detection sensors, multi-domain platforms, and command and control software – all in one package.

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See More and Respond Faster

Leverage FLIR mobile surveillance platforms to help secure borders, monitor forward operating bases, protect large crowds, and monitor for criminal behavior, all while keeping operators safe, comfortable, and focused. Portable and rapidly deployable, these platforms provide a strategic perspective to give operators the upper hand.

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Detect and Track Multiple Threats Both Near and Far

Put FLIR’s fixed, wide area surveillance system to the test. Combine best-in-class radar and thermal cameras with Command and Control software to detect and track multiple threats in the most demanding weather conditions 24 /7.

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Maintain Persistent ISR from the Sky

Additional assets, like Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) can be integrated into overwatch systems for securing forward operating bases, patrolling a border, or monitoring other critical infrastructure. Bring the world of aerial intelligence directly to the command and control station.

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StormCaster™-T – Continuous Zoom LWIR Imaging Payload

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Control and Manage All Your Connected Systems

Tie all your FLIR sensors into a common operating picture. Control any number and combination of analog and IP devices from FLIR (and different manufacturers) with point and click simplicity, using the Cameleon™ Tactical advanced camera control system. It’s designed to provide a highly-customizable, user-friendly environment for security and surveillance applications.

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Cameleon™ Tactical