Reduce Exposure. Send the Robot in First.

Unmanned Systems

UGS for Industrial

By performing inspections, investigations, surveys, monitoring, and manipulation remotely via robot, operators have significantly reduced risk and personal exposure to hazardous environments. 

Thermal Camera Accessory

SUGV can be equipped with an optional FLIR thermal camera accessory.

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UPoint Multi-Robot Control System

The intuitive touchscreen controller reduces training time, allowing quick transition between robots in the product family.

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Robust Communications

Using the MPU5 radio operating on the Wave Relay® MANET, the robots go further downrange than before.

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product category

Conduct inspections remotely

FLIR robots allow human operators to remain outside of unhealthy environments while performing remote inspections, thermal analyses, routine and emergency investigations. Use cases demonstrate that for standard operations, the ALARA savings are significant every time a robot is introduced instead of a human into a radiation environment.

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PackBot® 510

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Handling dangerous materials

FLIR robots can reduce personnel industrial safety risks and collective radiological exposures during the packaging and handling of radioactive waste filters. With increased efficiency in allowance for better application of the time, distance and shielding ALARA planning principles, FLIR robots are proving their worth.

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Detection & Monitoring

Demonstrated by years of service at Fukushima Daiichi, FLIR offers a proven robotic solution, equipped with an integrated suite of sensors that detect and monitor radiation and other dangerous materials, which allows plant operators to reduce personnel industrial safety risks, reduce collective radiological exposures, and increase efficiencies.

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PackBot® 510

UGS Products for Industrial