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CBRNE Detectors for Public Safety - Sensor Integration

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The MUVE™C360 is a multi-gas detector completely integrated with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) to provide real-time continuous monitoring of chemical hazards while on the move. The sensor block boasts 8-channels, which includes a photoionization detector (PID), Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) detector, and six other sensors. The integrated snorkel is designed to negate the effects of rotor wash, extending past the propellers to sample the unperturbed air. The MUVE C360 sensor block quickly latches to a proprietary integration dock mounted to the UAS. The calibration station features the same dock, so the operator can easily connect for routine sensor verification. Sensor readouts are prioritized based on alarm conditions and are displayed real-time on the pilot’s interface in the VueLink™ app. The MUVE C360 is a time-saving, game-changer for emergency responders, industrial safety officers, and environmental monitoring experts.


The IBAC 1 delivers a flexible, field-ready solution for bio-aerosol monitoring and sampling. The system can operate integrated in an UAV, robotic platform, or as part of a network configuration to form the "first tier" of a building/critical infrastructure protection system.

identiFINDER® S900

The identiFINDER® S900 is an autonomous sensor that delivers real-time radiation detection and identification. It detects the presence or movement of radioactive material across borders, into buildings, at large public gatherings, and events. The S900 is available in a wide variety of form factors that can be tailored to application-specific environments and sensitivities. Deployment can begin with a standalone system and expand to a network of systems as needs change.